4 Benefits of Fuel Lube and Mini Lube Trucks
Full-size fuel lube and mini lube trucks are versatile, great for various project types and perfect for all crew sizes. Here are 4 benefits of renting these units.

Fleet Expansion: PTR Adds Fuel Lube and Mini Lube Trucks
PTR is proud to announce the addition of Fuel Lube and mini Lube trucks to its fleet, great for commercial construction projects.

3 Benefits of Adding Lube Skids to Your Truck Rentals
Lube skids are self-contained units and make it quick and easy to access fluids to keep work trucks moving. There are many perks to having lube skids on your rentals, and we’ve narrowed it down to 3 key benefits of them.

Utility is in Our DNA – The Story of Rob Troxel, PTR’s CEO
Utility is in our DNA. Rob Troxel, PTR’s CEO has been a big name in the utility industry for quite some time and we wanted to share his story.

PTR Vendor Spotlight: Knapheide Truck Bodies
Quality comes first. With the variety of jobs that utilize service and mechanics trucks, having the right unit is crucial for productivity. PTR and Knapheide have been partnering to provide custom solutions in the utility and construction industries.

PTR Vendor Spotlight: Bedrock Truck Beds
Heavy duty flatbeds, built tough and customized exactly to your job’s demands. PTR offers Bedrock Truck Bed Flatbeds for your rentals to ensure quality and durability every time.

PTR Vendor Spotlight: STI Tiger Crane Mechanics Trucks
PTR’s STI Tiger Crane Mechanics Trucks are packed with everything that you’ll need to help you and your crew save time and stay productive on your site. Read more about PTR and STI’s partnership.

How PTR is Overcoming the 2021 Global Microchip Shortage
The current chip shortage has been difficult for businesses in the automotive and construction sectors. Knowing the demand for trucks, our team has worked diligently to provide work trucks to our customers across the United States.

2 Reasons Why Cable Trailers are Power & Telecom Essentials
We’re excited to announce a new addition to our Utility Trailer fleet – 7500-LCT Cable Trailer! We’ve put together 2 main reasons why these trailers are great for Power and Telecom projects.

Top 5 Trailers for Hauling & Transporting Equipment
With a variety of trailer options available to rent, we’ve compiled our top 5 picks for hauling and transporting heavy equipment to help you decide which one is the right fit for you. Save time while working.